Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Reagan just said to the TV (basketball on ESPN) for no apparent reason: Dang! Shut that mouth!

Jenny's A Chick

I forgot to post about Jenny's part in the school musical, E-I-E-I-Oops. She's very excited about the play. She didn't get one of the speaking parts, but she didn't really care. I think she'd rather sing and dance in a group. So she's one of the Cute Chicks. They are a smaller group of the whole chorus, and from the script, it looks like they sing a song about how they are cute chicks. And to make it more exciting, here's the description of the costume:

Everyone in the play should wear denim overalls (they are supposed to be on a farm). They can be long or short or dresses for girls. They should wear tennis shoes and bandannas, which can be whatever color they want. Since she's a chick, she has to wear a yellow t-shirt. The yellow boa and crown will be provided by the school. Sounds cute, huh? I'm sure Jenny will look awesome. We have one or two rehearsals a week until time for the musical. So if anyone will be around here April 22 or 23, feel free to attend the musical! Jenny would love it!

Jenny's Report Card

I'm sure it's impossible to see this, but Jenny got her report card yesterday, and it's her best one ever! She actually got a couple 4s this time, which means she exceeds grade level expectations on Reading and Writing, which she's never done before. We told her we were very proud of her for her accomplishment, and Reagan said, "Aren't you proud of me, too?" I told her that we were, but that it was Jenny's special day since she got a report card.

We went out to Olive Garden to celebrate, and Jenny was excited because she talked a lot to the waitress we had last time we were at Olive Garden, Rachel. So when it was time to sing to someone at another table who had a birthday, Jenny's buddy Rachel rolled her chair over there and announced they had a guest singer joining them. Of course Jenny didn't know the words and asked what language they were singing in, maybe Chinese, but she felt very special and thought they must have known about her report card.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Death - A Popular Subject

In my house at least. Jenny just came in and said, "Guess what Reagan just asked me? When you die, can I have your room?"

And yesterday when we were leaving a birthday party, we were talking about someone from my work who had been there. Jenny asked how old she was, and I said I thought she was 30. Jenny said, "Oooh, just like Daddy. So they'll die at the same time, and then you'll have two funerals to go to." She really believes everyone dies on very set schedules based on their ages.

One quick picture I thought was cute yesterday. Jenny's posing, and Reagan looks like she's tough - and covered in ketchup.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jumping on Bed Videos

The last few videos I added to YouTube today are of the girls jumping on the bed while singing songs they love. They're a little dark because this was after they had gone to bed. I heard them jumping and singing, and instead of telling them to stop like a normal mom probably would, I went and got the camera to record them.

Jenny and Reagan Videos

Here's the first of the next series of videos. You can see the others if you go to YouTube. There are three of Jenny and Reagan performing Potential Breakup Song by Aly & AJ.

New Videos on Youtube!

I'm uploading some new videos of the girls. This is the first one, and I'm having trouble getting the others up, but I'll try to get them all up today. The first couple are Jenny performing to Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend. She has some amazing attitude in these.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Reagan - Like Cheez-its In The Toilet

Those of you who grew up with Lee may know what I'm talking about.

This morning when I woke up the girls, Reagan's face was covered in quite a bit of chocolate. I asked her where the chocolate face came from.

Her response: Duh! I went down in the night to get something to eat like I do every night. Duh!

I reminded her she's not supposed to do that. I thought she may have been lying and the chocolate might have been leftover from last night's ice cram bar, but tonight I noticed the last two ice cream bars in the box were missing, so I guess that was her late night snack. Just like her dad.

Reagan Digging for Treasure

Yesterday I told Reagan's teacher that she told me and Jo-Jo that he was mean to her sometimes. I thought he was really nice, so I said, "Really?" And Reagan said, "Because sometimes I don't do what I'm supposed to." So in Reagan's mind, she should never be punished, and if she is, then it's mean.

Anyway, I told her teacher about these comments, and he told me that she and her best friend Amber were rolling in the mud yesterday, but he stopped them before there was too much damage to their clothing. When I got down the hall to Reagan, I said, "I heard you were rolling around in the mud with Amber."

Reagan said, "I was not." And she seemed very angry. Then she proceeded to say, "I was not rolling in the mud. I was digging for treasure! I was not rolling!" Obviously her teacher didn't know what was going on.

Reagan also cracked me up when we got home today because she got out of the car on her own - usually I have to open the car door and unbuckle her and lift her out. I guess I don't need to now that she's 4! Anyway, she hopped out herself and said, "Look, mommy! I slammed the door me own self! I got out my own self!" She was so proud. I was on the phone with my friend Kristen at the time, and she wondered when Reagan had turned Irish.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reagan Doesn't Love Herself

Last night, Reagan came into our room, which she hasn't done any while Jo-Jo's been here. I think she was just trying to avoid going to sleep since they were going back to school today. Here's our conversation:

Me: Reagan, aren't you excited that it's going to be back to just you and Jenny and me and Daddy tomorrow?

Reagan: A little.

Me: Don't you love mommy and daddy?

Reagan: A little.

Me: Just a little?

Reagan: A little of a lot.

Me: Do you love Reagan?

Reagan: No.

Me: You don't love yourself?

Reagan: Because there's not another me to love. So we couldn't get married. Did you know that people can kiss when they get married? Some of our dolls are getting married and they kiss.

Me: Okay.

Monday, January 21, 2008

A Couple Last Pictures from This Weekend

I left these couple of Jenny out yesterday because I was focusing on Reagan, but they're pretty funny.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Reagan's Big Day

Here's a photo review of our big day. The girls' friend Brittan spent the night last night, so they got to play with her and open presents first thing this morning. Brittan went with us to the mall to Spa Ladida and Build-A-Bear. Then we ate Reagan's favorite for dinner - Applebee's. Then we did birthday cake. Then they opened some leftover High School Musical dolls from Christmas that Jo-Jo forgot about in the closet.

Getting ready for her pedicure - kind of tired and bored.

I just think Jenny looks pretty in this picture. Her focus was always on the videos playing there.

Still a little sad and grumpy, but watching the videos.

Reagan's perked up at this point, and she keeps laughing because the pedicure tickles her toes.

Once Reagan cheered up, she kept standing up on the footstool to dance. I tried to get a little video of it, but she stopped every time I started recording.

A little sad again because her hair was pulled a little to get it cool like this.

I think this is a great one of Reagan and Jo-Jo.

They look a little crazy with the teased hair, but it's cute. Notice Reagan's awesome socks from - I got some too, and they are amazing! Her other sock is stars instead of polka dots.

Jenny looks a little dazed, but it's still pretty cute.

All three pretty girls.

Reagan stuffing her leopard at Build-A-Bear. She got a Cheetah Girls shirt for her leopard.

This one's funny because it's Jenny making a wish on the Build-A-Bear's heart like everyone is supposed to do there. She told the woman there that she made the same wish she's made every time she's made a Build-A-Bear, and it's still never come true. I don't know what that wish is.

Blowing out the candles! Jenny had to help a little.

So you can see how Reagan looked right after she took her hair down. They use so much hairspray that it's still pretty much sticking straight out to the sides.

One other funny from our mall time - Jenny constantly ran ahead and got in trouble. I threatened to spank her if she did it again, and she said, "I can't help it that my feet are faster than yours." Then I kept hearing her mutter to herself to not speed up and run ahead because she didn't want a spanking.

I hope you all feel like you were there with us now! It was a fun day.

Birthday Girl

Here are a couple pictures of the birthday girl first thing this morning. Reagan's 4 today! I think these are hilarious because she doesn't even look like she's awake yet. Neither does Jenny. We're going to Spa Ladida later today, so I should have some fun pictures to post this evening.

And two from Thursday when she was so excited to get a birthday card with MONEY from Aunt Bobbie!

Snow Girls

A couple pictures from this week's snow. Nice to see how well I dressed them for the cold, huh? Make sure you check out Reagan's face in the first one. This was all we got, and it rained all day and pretty much washed it away, but both girls were so excited in the morning - they both told Lee it snowed so much!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

True Love

When I got to school today, Jenny asked me to come into the hallway so she could tell me what Reagan's friend Eddie said to her today. I was expecting something really bad if it had to be discussed in the hallway. Jenny told me that Eddie asked Reagan to be his one true love. Reagan joined us at that point and told me that she told Eddie no. But Jenny told him she would find a ring at our house for Eddie to give to Reagan.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What Reagan Wants For Her Birthday

This is the list Reagan gave me this weekend - by gave, I mean told me, since she can't really write anything except the letters R, E, A, and H.

-my own family
-pink Hannah Montana cellphone
-party pony

I guess we've taken care of giving her her own family. I ordered a pink Hannah Montana cellphone, which apparently does exist. And the party pony is a birthday My Little Pony, which I was also able to get. She's so much easier than Jenny, who wants about 50 things at any given moment and keeps reminding us that she should also get presents for Reagan's birthday.

Last night Reagan asked Lee if he knew when he met me that he wanted me to be the mother of his two little daughters. He told her that he didn't really know at the time that he would have daughters. She said, "But mommy did. Cause when you guys got home we were there."

Jenny cleared it all up by telling her that we didn't know then because we hadn't picked them up from the hospital yet. We got married, then picked her up at the hospital after a couple years, then Reagan a couple years later. And Jenny always reminds her that Reagan gave Jenny a presents when she was born - a Snow White with a little house and clothes. I think that's one of Jenny's earliest memories.

And happy birthday to Uncle Justin - I believe it's already the 17th where you are!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Table Topics Again!

Jenny loves to do these, and her answers are always great.

Q - Would you rather hang out with older or younger kids?
Jenny - Probably older because they're popular and they can teach me popular stuff so when I grow up I can be popular.

Q - Which school subjects do you think will be useful and which will be useless?
Jenny - Probably science because if I was a scientist - I don't want to be a scientist because you have to focus really hard. I pick science because I think it's cool. It's cool because you get to take different stuff and mix it all together. It's kind of like you're cooking.

Q - Would you rather be a wealthy movie star or a poor scientist who cures cancer?
Jenny - I don't want to be a scientist who cures cancer because then if you work there and look around you might see other people who have that and are about to die and I don't want to see people die. But if you're a pop star and you're rich, you would make a lot of money.
Lee - But what if you got cancer then?
Jenny - I don't care.

Jenny auditioned for this year's school musical today. She's going for a speaking part this year. She was very nervous and was hoping to get some advice from Uncle Justin and Nicole, but she made it through. They said that every kid who tries out will have some kind of part, but we'll find out what she gets next week. She's very excited now that she made it through the audition - she's hoping to be a chick.

Lee' still trying to convince Jenny that it would be better to be a scientist who cures cancer than a wealthy movie star.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Some Classics

I just had the urge to check out the paper journal that I attempted to keep to log some of the funny things the girls say at this time last year before I had the better idea to start this blog. I only wrote three pages, so it obviously didn't last very long. Here are a few things I wrote in there:

-Jenny said to a 3-year-old at daycare who almost hit her in the face (when she was 5) "You want some of this" with her fist raised.


-Jenny - You know what I'm going to wish for the next time there's a shooting star? I'm going to wish for all my family to stay alive. And I'm going to wish for Grandma to come back to life.
-Me - Why don't you wish for everyone to be healthy? And Grandma can't come back to life.
-Jenny - But Gandalf does in Lord of the Rings.
-Me - That's not real.
Lee pointed out that I should have told her that it's because Grandma's not a wizard, since Lord of the Rings is the real history.

Jenny at Christmas - People can celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, or Hanukkah. We choose to celebrate Christmas because you have 2 girls who want presents. People who don't have kids can celebrate Kwanzaa or Hanukkah.


Jenny, when she was home sick and I told her she wasn't acting like a sick child - I'm pretending to feel good.

Obviously the girls still say such funny things every day that I don't need to resort to the old journal, but I thought it would be fun. Jenny spent most of the car ride home today telling me about how ghosts and spirits are real based on some long story one of her friends told her. I must say that I didn't really listen to the whole long story because it involved the swamp by school, and some other graveyard, and the haunted house at a graveyard, and her friend Brianna's 4th birthday when a ghost blew out her candles before she had a chance to. I supposed I should have listened.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Reagan Really Does

Many of my mornings with Reagan go this way, but this was a particularly bad one.

First, Reagan woke up before I went in to get her, which is always a bad thing. I was already downstairs, so she yelled down to me.

Reagan - Is it a school day?
Me - Yes.
Reagan (crying) - I don't want it to be a school day. I don't wanna go to school.
Me - Well, you have to. And I have to go to work.
Reagan (still crying) - But I really, really, really don't want to.
Me - There's just no choice.
Reagan (over and over and over again, still crying) - But I really, really, really, don't.

Once we've moved past the initial crisis, there's usually an argument over what she's going to wear, but we didn't have that one this morning. She did cry a little while because she said she was cold, but we moved past it.

We came downstairs to finish getting ready, and I looked up in the cabinet for something. Reagan asked what I was looking for. I said, "None of your beeswax." Then I moved on. I noticed that Reagan was crying (again) a couple minutes later.

Me - What's wrong, Reagan?
Reagan - (mumbles something I can't understand) ass.
Me - What?
Reagan - You just called me none of your ass.
Me - No, I didn't. What are you talking about?
Reagan - You called me that.
Me - I said none of your beeswax.
Jenny - That just means it was none of your business.

Reagan then cried because it was none of her business. We eventually made it to school.

When I picked them up this evening, Jenny got a mini-moonpie as a treat from one of the teachers that she helped today. Reagan cried because she wanted one, too. There wasn't another one.

Reagan - But I really, really, really, really do. I really, really, really, really want some candy.

I tell her repeatedly that I don't have any. She always pulls out all the reallys when it's something that I have absolutely no control over. Which doesn't make me frustrated and angry at all!

As a side note, Jenny pulled out another tooth today. Which made her talk about the tooth fairy coming tonight. Which made Reagan cry again because she doesn't want to ever lose any of her teeth, and she doesn't want the tooth fairy to come to our house because she's scared of her because she's not sure what her skin looks like. What a fun day.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Truth About Jenny

Yesterday in the car (how many posts do I start with a conversation that happened in the car?), Jenny was talking about her friend Keri with me, and she told me that they have a secret that she can't tell me because I would freak out. I told her that I felt like that was probably something she should tell me about. To give you some background, for those of you who don't watch Disney Channel all the time, Jenny and Keri are big fans of the Disney Channel movie Twitches (and Twitches Too). Twitches is the story of two girls who find out that they are twins - and witches! Hences Twitches! And if you're wondering, the girls are Tia and Tamara Mowry from Sister Sister. Here's the story:

We tell most people that we're joking but me and Keri really know that we are twins. And we're witches. We talk about it a lot.

And she's serious. I just remembered to tell Lee about it tonight when we were out (in the car, of course!) and Jenny told him that Keri wears a wig so that people won't know that they are twins. So obviously we're wrong and she's right. Even though I told her I was certain that I gave birth to her and not Keri. So now you guys know the truth.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Reagan is sitting in my lap panicked about dying one day. I tried to convince her that she has a long time before she has to worry about it, but she still keeps crying about how she doesn't want to die.

Jenny came over to clear things up for her by explaining to her that she has the longest of anyone in the room before she dies. "Daddy's gonna die first, then mommy, then me, then you. So you shouldn't worry." Reagan's still not convinced, but we're glad Jenny's got it figured out.

Table Topics 2

Jenny's asking us the kid topics.

Q: What would you do if you could stay up all night?
Jenny: I would eat junk food and practice punching so I can punch people if they try to come in and kill anyone or hurt the cats or dogs.

Q: Would you rather be a dolphin, lion, eagle or horse?
Jenny: I wouldn't want to be a dolphin because you can get eaten by a killer whale. I wouldn't want to be an eagle because someone would throw one of those arrows at me. And if you're a horse, you have to be hitten by a string, because a person has to whip you if you're not going as fast as they want. And a lion's good.

Q: What's your favorite joke?
Jenny: My favorite joke is knock, knock, who's there? Because I like to make up names.

Q: If you could dress your mom in an outfit you think she'd look best in, what would it be?
Jenny: Probably a dress with a tank top under it.
Lee: A donkey costume.
Jenny: Oh, I changed my mind, a fairy costume.

Q: What do you think parents have forgotten about being a kid?
Jenny: Probably about what day they got their toys. I mean, how small they were when they got a toy.

Reagan is, as usual, in the other room talking to her dolls while we are doing this.

Stolen Pictures

I thought I would post here a couple of my favorite pictures from the ones that aunt Charlotte took while she was here because she was really able to capture their craziness (I mean coolness), and I don't think everyone who visits here also looks at her pictures. These first few are from jumping on the bed fun. Plus, you can see Jenny's obsessions on the wall. I didn't think these things started when girls were 6 years old, but apparently they can.

The next ones are in the car when we were driving through the Festival of Lights - a Christmas light display here. Reagan was fun and crazy, and Jenny was very upset at this particular point because she desperately needed to go to the bathroom and we had not yet reached the port-a-potties.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Just A Couple Funnies

I was going to a do a nice big Happy New Year post earlier this week, but the girls were out of town visiting my mom and dad, so I didn't do it. Maybe this weekend.

A couple quick bits from this evening:

-Jenny tapping on Lee's belly and saying it was big like a drum.
-Reagan telling me that Reagan is a pretty name and Eure is a pregnant name. I asked her if she knew what pregnant means. She said no. And then she said that her friend Haley at school is pregnant. I again told her that she maybe doesn't know what that means, and she said that it means she's going to have a little sister. She's just a little confused.