Saturday, May 15, 2010

All About My Daddy

I feel a need to share Reagan's kindergarten writings about her dad.

First one is titled What My Daddy Likes:
My daden likes to read comics and watch TV hes a nice daden and he loves to be with me

She calls Lee daden sometimes, so she went ahead and threw that out there.

Next one is titled What my daden is like:
My Peach is an amasing cook. And so is my mommy my Peach loves us all. and so do we. Hes nice. And sweet. the end

Another favorite nickname for her dad - Peach.

Last one is What my daddy looks like:
My daddy has glasses. And usilly wears a shorts and a T-shirt even if its really really cold and he looks nice.

This one is accompanied drawing of Lee at the kitchen table with a comic box, with his aquarium and a swimming fish in the background. Pretty accurate, except that he seems to be a head on top of a chair.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

6 Reasons Jenny will Pass the EOG

Jenny just read me this list she made of 6 reasons she can pass her end of grade exams. (Her spelling, not mine.)

1. I believe in myself.
2. I practice every night.
3. I never give up.
4. When I play games I try to find a way to study at the same time.
5. I get a good night sleep.
6. I focus hard.

*As a side note, I realize, not that anyone cares, that it says posted by Reagan when I post anything now. I guess I changed the name associated with my ID to hers when I created her blog for her. I don't feel like changing it again now.