Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Tonight was the first night of Jenny's musical. She did great - I'm hoping we'll convince her to try out for a bigger role next year because her expressions and attitude are just amazing. Here's a picture of her (and one with Reagan) in her Cute Chick outfit with the flowers Uncle Mario sent to wish her luck.


We had a yard sale for the first time ever to get rid of some of our junk this weekend. I told the girls that if they sold some of their toys, then they could keep the money to buy something they wanted. So on Saturday we went to Target, and they each picked out a scooter. Even uncoordinated Reagan can ride a scooter - she loves it! Here are a couple pictures. Excuse the wind and Reagan's insane hair.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Tumble

Lee has to go out of town for a night for work, so he just went up to tell the girls goodbye before he left. Reagan was sleeping on the very edge of the bed for some reason. So I said, "Reagan, don't fall off the bed. You're right at the edge." Reagan proceeded to move just enough to fall off the side of the bed. This is just the kind of thing she does.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pillow Fight

I haven't posted in forever, and there's no chance of catching up, so I'll just try to get back into things.

Wilson has been escaping from the yard constantly - mostly because all the children who wander through our house and yard leave the gate open all the time. Jenny just came running into the kitchen to tell us to come out and help because she saw Wilson fighting with another dog. We went and found him - I wouldn't say he was fighting with another dog so much as laying down in front of another dog, but that's okay.

We were walking him back over to the house, and Reagan said, in a very exasperated voice, "Why is Wilson always getting in pillow fights with other dogs?"

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Crazy Husband

Since the girls are on vacation in Hilton Head for spring break, I thought I'd do a post about the crazy I'm left with here - Lee. And here are a couple pictures to prove it.

Exhibit A:

Last week while I was out picking up dinner, Lee was apparently playing with a candle. He put a plastic bag in the candle to make better fire, and then it smoked up a lot, so he tried to stop the smoke and knocked the candle - meaning hot wax - all over his leg. So he has second degree burns on his leg. And I don't think he learned his lesson about playing with fire.

Exhibit B:

Lee got a tattoo today of his nightmare wolf.

Other news here - I got a haircut today, which I only do once a year or so. I promised Jenny I would put a picture on here so she could look at it from Hilton Head even though it violates my policy of not putting pictures of my fat face on the blog.

And a few other recent pictures (mostly from Easter) that I got off the camera at the same time as these: