Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Notes from Jenny

A couple nights ago, the girls snuck into our room to sleep on the floor after we went to sleep. This is pretty much their goal every night, but sometimes they fall asleep before us so they miss their chance.

Last night, they were working on their plan to sneak in, which mostly involved coming into our room approximately every two minutes to lay down on the floor. Their sneaking is really loud walking into the room while giggling, so it's not exactly stealthy. We asked why they want to sleep on our floor.

Reagan's response: "Because it's so warm and comfty there." (not true; it's freezing cold)
Jenny's response: "Because it just feels right."

Anyway, after all of that, I got rid of them repeatedly last night, and then eventually came downstairs for a little while to play on the computer and watch TV like usual. They kept coming down to ask me things, and I kept yelling at them to go back upstairs and go back to sleep. So they finally decided to listen and stay upstairs.

When I went up to bed, I found the following three notes on my pillow:

Note #1
reagan threw up on
the tish you.
I think she is sick.
I hope yoe fill
better tommarow.

Note #2
We are sorry for disobaying yoe.
by coming down when you said no!

Note #3
We're sorry!
Jenny, reagan

I checked on the girls. Jenny was asleep. Reagan did not appear to have a tissue full of throw-up, and she seemed fine. So I went to bed and went to sleep.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Birthday, Uncle Mario!

Everyone can just pretend this post made it on here yesterday like it should have for Mario's actual birthday.

So Mario had a birthday wish to have a video of the girls singing Dayman from It's Always Sunny for him. They know it, since Lee sings it all the time, so I thought we'd be able to manage.

Here's the official happy birthday version:

And a couple outtakes. The first is the first attempt, when Lee had to help them out a little. And the second is Jenny once she improved some.

So happy birthday, brother. Hope you enjoy!

And everyone else, if you don't watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and therefore don't know where this is coming from, you should.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Jenny has been so funny about the election. First of all, she's been upset for months now that we will be voting for Obama when all her friends say he's a terrible person. Now, she's on board with Obama, but she gets really upset with all her friends who disagree. This week, Emma (whoever she is) told Jenny that Obama hates Christians, and he's a liar, so why would Jenny vote for him.

Plus, she's really into the yard signs for McCain or Obama. She's concerned that Obama's not going to win because there are so many more McCain signs than Obama signs. I explained that everyone in the country votes (well, not really everyone, but you know what I mean), and what matters is who wins the entire country, not just who wins this city, or this state. I don't think she gets it though.

On the way home, we passed an Obama sign, and Jenny said, "There's an Obama sign! Person with the Obama sign, you rock!" And Reagan said she's sick of all these McKayla signs. I don't think McKayla's going to win.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Halloween Preview

We went and got the girls Halloween costumes this weekend. They didn't quite stick with the vote (mostly because I didn't order the costumes, so we were choosing from what was in the Halloween store).

Jenny will be what the package calls Charm School Witch, but what Jenny thinks is Hermione from Harry Potter.

And Reagan decided to be a cheerleader, even though I tried very hard to convince her to be a vampire.

We went to Olive Garden for dinner yesterday, and I had so many great conversations with Reagan that I can't remember, but I do remember a long discussion about how "natural" Olive Garden is. I asked Reagan what she meant, and she went on forever about how princes and princesses would never go somewhere like that because it's so crowded and noisy, you know, "natural." Who knows what she actually means.

And here are a couple pictures of Jenny at tennis today. This was her second week, and she's really enjoying it (and looking stylish while she plays).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Jenny had some concerns to discuss with us this evening.

Jenny: When you guys get divorced, which one of us is going to live with each of you?

Lee: You think you would be split up?

Jenny: Like Parent Trap.

Lee: I'm not going to answer that because mommy and I aren't going to get divorced.

Jenny: I'm just saying that one day you're going to meet a cute girl, and mommy's going to meet a cute guy. Not now, but in like a couple years.

I believe this conversation started because I was teasing Lee about his girlfriend (who's obviously not real). Jenny said, "Daddy, you're treating on mommy!"

I said, "Yeah, how could you be treating?"

Jenny did correct herself - she said she meant cheating.

Lee let her know that we don't have any plans to split up so she moved on for now.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


We just got back from the fair. It was fun, as usual.

On the way home, we were talking about what a cool fair it is, and how big it is. I said that I didn't have a fair that big close to me when I was growing up.

Jenny said: "Aren't you glad you didn't die when you were little? Cause then I wouldn't be here. And you never would have seen this fair."

Yes, I am glad.

Also, I hope you notice Jenny's cool Nick Jonas t-shirt.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


has to lose the bathroom.

Why is that the only thing she can't say right? Is she ever going to?