I did a terrible job of blogging while we had family visiting (and by visiting, I mean being awesome and helping out), so I'm just going to get right back to it.
Today, in the car on the way home, the girls and I had the following discussion:
Reagan: Mama (in a really whiny voice), I wish we could just change my name.
Me: Why? What kind of name do you want?
Reagan: I just don't want to have a Disney name anymore.
Me: Okay, what kind of name do you want?
Reagan: I wish I could just be named Selena.
Jenny: Oooh! Can we change my name to Jennifer?
Me: Why do you want to be named Jennifer?
Jenny: I just love the name Jennifer.
Reagan: I just wish I could be Selena.
Charlotte took lots of great pictures for us this weekend, and I used some for Christmas cards. I was going to go through and pick out my favorites to post here, but I think I'll just do it later!
One day she'll realize that Jenny is a better name than Jennifer.
I just put up the photos I took the night before and the morning of the day we left! The girls were looking like dream queens.
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